I'm 33, planning a wedding, caring for five senior rescue dogs, looking for gainful employment, and trying to live (more) sustainably. These are my adventures.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Oh, weekending.

There's nothing more hilarious than watching southerners ice skate. Sure, you've got a few that can do it, but by far and large we are talking HOT. MESS.

It was a good time, however. Especially since I was able to hang out with the girls.

The rest of the weekend has been uneventful. I got sick off some sour milk and was pretty much down for the count. Moose got to play house husband for the weekend, but it was all good. :) I was so impressed by his ability to make some sandwiches using leftover cole slaw I made. It was awesome.

I've got an interview tomorrow, so it's best I pass out now and update more later.

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